JSC Elektani na Makedonija – Skopje is founded with a Decision of the Government of the Republic of Macedonia No. 19-2626/1 from 30.6.2005 with the reconstruction of Elektrostopanstvo na Makedonija , a joint stock company for production, distribution and supply with electricity in state ownership, Skopje by separation and establishment of a new company for production of electricity.
The company was registered in the Trade Register in the Basic Court Skopje 1, under Trade No. 5020/05 from 9.9.2005.
The company works and participates in the legal trade as a firm entitled: Joint stock company for production of electricity, Elektrani na Makedonija, in state ownership, Skopje. In the legal trade the company also uses an abbreviation: JSC Elektrani na Makedonija in state ownership, Skopje.
The company has a short name JSC ELEM – Skopje.
The seat of the company is in Skopje, on street 11 Oktomvri No.9.
The basic activity of the Company is the production of electricity and this activity is of public interest. With a Decision No. 02-1391/1 from 18.11.2005 JSC ELEM has acquired a License on performing energetic activity, production of electricity. The validity of the License is for 35 years and it is valid until November 1 2040.
On March 20 2006 with a Decision No. 02-410 of the Regulatory Commission on Energetics of the Republic of Macedonia, JSC ELEM acquired a License for a subsidiary Energetika – Skopje for performing an energetic activity:
On December 22 20068 with a Decision No. 02-2187/1 and Decision No. 02-2188/1 of the Regulatory Commission on Energetics of the Republic of Macedonia, JSC ELEM acquired a License for a subsidiary Energetika – Skopje for performing an energetic activity:
The subsidiaries of the company are organized with an act of the Management Board after a previous approval of the Supervisory Board.
The nominal capital of the company amounts to 31.738.878.000,00 denars (thirty-one billion seven hundred and thirty-eight million eight hundred and seventy-eight thousand denars) or 517.818.006,800 EUR according to the average exchange rate of the National Bank of Macedonia announced the day before the adoption of the Statute.
The nominal capital of the company is divided into 31,738,878 ordinary shares are registered on name with a nominal value of 1,000 denars (one thousand) denars per share.