Renewable sources of electricity and energy efficiency

Wind Park Bogdanci

  • LOT1 – Wind Turbines

The contractor completed construction activities of foundations and installation of 16 turbines - February 2014.
Trial work of turbines started – April 2014.
Certificate issued for the handover of the works - September 2014.
Supervision issued a final report on executive oversight of construction - November 2014.
Supervision issued a final technical report on the facility and the report has been submitted to the competent authority (Municipality Bogdanci) - November 2014.

  • LOT2 - Access roads, substation and transmission line

Expropriation has been conducted for the facility SG 110 kV from SS 20/110 kV Bogdanci to TS 110/35 kV Valandovo.
Provided permission to build transmission line - March 2014.
Completed internal testing on equipment in SS and medium voltage cables - March 2014.
Finished paving of the access road - June 2015.
Supervision issued a final report on executed oversight of construction on transmission line - June 2014.
Handover of facilities is performed - August 2014.
Supervision issued a final report on executed oversight of construction on transmission line - November 2014.
Conducted first technical review by an independent inspection body on transmission line - November 2014.
Conducted first technical review by an independent inspection body on transmission line - December 2014.
A request to the State Technical Inspectorate is delivered, to issue a decision on the first opening of the transmission line - November 2014.
A request to the State Technical Inspectorate is delivered, to issue a decision on the first opening of the transmission line - December 2014.
Completion of final documentation for technical inspection of the facility.

  • LOT 3 - Command-control facility and Power line in SS Valandovo

Provided a building permit - January 2014.
Finished construction works and installation of equipment - March 2014.
Conducted internal testing and technical acceptance of the object in SS Valandovo and plugging to the PRT network - March 2014.
Handover of facilities is performed - October 2014.
Supervision issued a final report on executive oversight of construction - October 2014.
Conducted first technical review by an independent inspection body - October 2014.
State Technical Inspectorate delivered a  Minute from executed inspection of the facility - November 2014.
Completion of final documentation for technical inspection of the facility.

  • Signed Agreement for a temporary connection to the transmission network with MEPSO - March 2014.
  • Entry in the Register of plants for production of electricity from RES in EARM - November 2014.
  • Received Decision from ERC to change the license for acquiring the status of privileged producer and the decision to use the feed-in tariff - December 2014.
  • Monitoring the financial implementation of contracts for projects and disbursements of the loan with KfW Bank.




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