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Business Events


The Bogdanci wind power plant, located in the Ranevec area near Bogdanci, started regular production of electricity after successfully passing the equipment testing procedures. Specific to the windmill is that their design is designed specifically, their heads and propellers rotate depending on the direction and strength of the wind in order to achieve as much effect as possible. They automatically, with the help of sensors, rotate several hundred times a day in order to achieve the greatest possible use of the wind. The park has 16 windmills, the installation of which was completed on February 20, 2014, which officially completed the most difficult phase of construction. For the successful realization of the project before the phase of winding installation, 20/110 kilovolt substation, 110 kilovolt transmission line in length of 11.8 km were built, then the access roads were built, a connection box was built in KS 110/35/10 kilovolts in Valandovo , and a control building was also built.

This energy facility in the first 11 months of operation delivered the projected annual production of 100 thousand megawatt-hours. The wind park with production of at least 100 gigawatt hours of naturally viable energy already supplies the households to over 60 thousand citizens of the Republic of Macedonia or one larger city such as Prilep, Kumanovo, Tetovo, Gostivar. Basically, the annual production of this capacity is almost equal to the needs of consumers from Bogdanci, Gevgelija and Dojran. This wind park has increased the share of renewable energy in AD ELEM for 36.8 MW. The Bogdanci wind park is a capacity of 55.5 million Euros worth.



In October, the 16th International Symposium of the Macedonian Constructors Association was opened in Ohrid. At this international gathering, 300 constructors  and architects from 12 countries took part: Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro, Bulgaria, Croatia, Slovenia, Germany, Portugal, Italy, Greece, Kazakhstan and the United States of America. The symposium focused on construction engineering issues, with a special emphasis on modern methods and techniques for designing and building construction structures as a prerequisite for sustainable development. The main goal of the symposium was to provide a forum where domestic and foreign participants will be able to exchange knowledge and ideas about the latest scientific achievements and practices, setting directions for future research and cooperation in the field of construction. All constructors and students, as well as researchers from related areas, were invited to participate. The theme of the symposium was "Modern Designs - Sustainable Development".

Traditionally, awards were presented for achievements in the field of science, design and construction of construction structures in the period between two symposia. Our company was among the awarded, for the construction of the hydro power plant "St. Petka. " The President of the Construction Constructors Association, Mrs. Mary Cvetkovska, presented an acknowledgement to the General Director of AD ELEM, Dejan Boskovski, MA. 



AD  ELEM and the Slovenian company "Rudis" after previously conducted public procurement, concluded a Contract for realization of preparatory activities aimed at reducing the emissions of SOx and dust from REK "Bitola". It is about the realization of the third phase of the process of modernization and revitalization of the largest domestic power plant for the production of electricity. After the selection of the solution by AD ELEM, the Slovenian company will prepare a study and will participate in the preparation of the tender documentation for the selection of a contractor who will carry out the construction of the desulphurization system on the ground. These investment activities are in the amount of 298,000 Euros, and all tasks of the Agreement should be realized within 24 months. With the full realization of this activity, the SOx and dust emissions from REK Bitola will be achieved in accordance with the European directive IED 2010/75 / EU.


On November 4, in the premises of HPP "Crn Drim" - Struga, in the presence of the employees and other respected guests and friends of the company, an important jubilee was marked, dedicated to the commissioning of the hydro power plant "Globocica", its development and growth from 1965  to the present.. 50 years ago, in the distant 1965, this plant delivered the first kilowatt-hours of electricity and after five decades of successful operation of this hydropower system, we can be proud of the production that exceeds 9 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity. The hydroelectric power plant "Globochica" is designed and constructed with installed power of 42 MW, and it produces an average annual production of 180 GWh. The largest production was realized in 2010,  292.238 MWh of electricity, when the biggest overflow exceeded 50 million kWh and the highest measured value of the Ohrid Lake was  at 694.06 m. With the commissioning of the first aggregate of HPP "Globočica" and the production of the first kilowatt-hours of electricity, it did not mean that all the work on this hydropower system had been completed. From the very beginning, for 50 years, investment projects are being constantly carried out in order to exploit all the potentials for increasing power and increasing production.

After the modernization of HPP "Globochica", as part of the project "Revitalization of Six Hydro Power Plants", it is among the most sophisticated power plants in the world and is compatible to operate in state-of-the-art power networks primarily because of the primary regulation capability to provide system services for the needs of the power system and to be operated from a distance, i.e. from the AD MEPSO Dispatching Center.


Today, as part of AD "Power Plants of Macedonia", HPP "Globochica" works according to the international standards ISO 9001. 14001 and OXAS 18001, which represents quality and responsibility in the process of electricity production, environmental protection and, above all, health safety of the workers.




AD ELEM as the largest electricity producer in the Republic of Macedonia has the task to constantly monitor the world trends in energy, to carefully consider and analyze the possibilities of introducing new technologies and new energy sources. In the preceding period, two international workshops for regional cooperation in nuclear energy were held, organized by AD ELEM and the International Atomic Energy Agency.


The workshops were attended by representatives from the cabinet of the Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs, the Ministry of Economy, the Ministry of Education and Science, the Energy Agency, MEPSO, the Economic Chamber, the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies, MANU, the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Economics, as well as a large number of experts from ELEM. The workshops analyzed issues related to regional cooperation in the field of nuclear energy, and experts and university professors from the field of energy and nuclear energy from Canada, the United Kingdom, the United States, Bulgaria, Croatia, Slovenia took part.

Macedonia has no nuclear power program and has not yet decided to start a nuclear program on its own or as a regional projects, but the Government is continually following the international trends and developments in this area, and is especially interested in regional trends and cooperation with neighboring countries in this field. Building an energy infrastructure is necessary for launching a nuclear energy program and requires large investments of financial and personnel nature, therefore it is necessary to support regional cooperation. That is why these workshops are an important step forward for the promotion of this type of cooperation, as concluded by all the attendees at the two successive workshops organized by AD ELEM.



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